What is a Senior Move Manager?
As a Senior Move Manager we are responsible for the planning and organizing of the smoothest stress free transition for your loved parent or senior.
Why Utilize our Services?
After a lifetime of planting roots a complete transition to a new living situation can be a daunting task both physically and emotionally. The shear amount of work and detail involved to complete the move places a lot of stress on your Mom or Dad along with undo stress on family members.
By utilizing our Senior Move services we:
- Offer comfort and caring to your loved one by being patient while working to meet their needs
- Plan and organize your entire move down to the finest detail further reducing your stress.
- Reduce your overall cost by leveraging our vendor discounts.
What are our Core Services?
- Free Consultation
- Planning and Organizing
- Supervise Moving Day
- Post Move
What are some of our Additional Services?
- In Home Services
- Elder Attorneys
- Real Estate Services
- Property Management
- Estate Auctions
- Consignments
- Clean Out Services